Who We Are

Change Planet Partners Climate Innovation Foundation is an independent public trust registered in March 2011 in Hyderabad, Telangana, India with registration number 61/IV/2011. We are a 12AA certified entity with full tax-exempt status.
Our vision and mission is to promote climate innovation.Our climate innovations’ promotion mandate spans contemporary climate change – sustainability thematic areas and remains broad and inclusive cutting across science-policy, technology, finance, capacity, markets and stakeholder networks.
Three pillars form the core of our foundation’s mandate – ‘Innovation – Incubation – Advocacy‘.
In 9 years to our inception, we have reached out to 37 stakeholder networks, evolved 40 climate innovation product/services across 7 climate-sustainability themes.
Our latest ‘International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies’ Initiative titled , ‘#CleanAir4BlueSkies | #FrontierTech4CleanAir‘ transecting several #SDGs, #COVID19 and #FrontierTechnologies is being promoted to mark our contribution to the on-going world wide celebrations of the UNGA declared International Day calling all stakeholders- from governments and corporations to civil society and individuals to take action to reduce air pollution and bring a transformative change in lifestyles #SLE.
Our 2020 World Environment Day initiative , ‘#Food4Talk | #Bio4Walk‘ at the intersection of #FoodTourism , #SDGs, #COVID19 and #Biodiversity is conceptualized with the year 2020 June 5th World Environment Day – #WED2020 theme – Biodiversity.
Our near recent advocacy initiative on the occasion of the 50th year of the EarthDay, titled ‘#EarthDay2020 – #5for50ClimateSolidarityinAction’ took a novel approach of digital cards to spread the messages of 5 #ActionImperatives and #GravityofActingNow against the backdrop of #COVID19.
As part of the #TheGlobalHack week, in support of the #UNSDG Action Campaign, our initiative #SharedResponsibility4GlobalSolidarity , in a first , tracked concrete emerging evidence on the strong potential of #Blockchain4SDGs.
Our #WorldWaterDay, #AI focused #COVID19 ‘Pandemic Response Mechanism’ initiative ‘COVID19PRMWWD2020‘ made it to the official UN WorldWaterDay 2020 events registry.
Our modest innovative program incubation/scale-up contributions to the ‘SEEDS’ COVID-19 Response track ‘1 Million Meals and Counting’ , the Swayam Shikshan Prayog ( Resilient Women – Resilient Communities ) , Jal Jeevika Aquatic Livelihood Centre ( Women Micro-entrepreneur social enterprise incubation programs ) the Pragya ( Uttarakhand Flash Floods DRR Relief Program ) , the Sankat Mochan Foundation (Swatch Ganga Abhiyaan), and the Isha Foundation ( Project Green Hands ) programs are well on the road to make #SolidarityinAction and #4People4Planet , Impact – PAN India and across a wide cross section of SDGs.
Happy exploring and thanks for stopping by!
What We Do
Our Impact
Years in Existence
Stakeholder Networks Reach
Climate Innovation Products - Services
Blockchain for Climate Change and Sustainability - Blockchain4CCaS
3 Impact Proof of Concepts#SRGS@COVID19 - #Blockchain4SDGsCOVID19 Response - Solidarity In Action - UN SDG Action Campaign - Contributions
Trends to Connect and Inspire Change-Makers for Action, Now and Beyond the Crisis#Evonomics2RecoverBetter #COVID19 #TheGlobalHack
Blockchain Led #CommunityCurrencies #COVID19 #TheGlobalHack
#FunctionalMedicine #COVID19 #TheGlobalHack
#Nudges Lifestyle Fashion #COVID19 #TheGlobalHack
#UrbanInnovationinAction #COVID19 #TheGlobalHack
#MedExpoCovidCare #COVID19 #TheGlobalHack
Contact Us
O/O Change Planet Partners Climate Innovation Foundation
PLOT No S2, Survey No.1050 Unit No. 810 & 811
J N T U Road
Ranga Reddy District
Hyderabad | India – 500072
Tel : +91 40 66405039 | Email: info [at]cppcif.org